Pursuing luxury and comfort, luxury homeowners across India, Nepal, Bhutan, and the UAE are increasingly turning towards an element that is as ancient as it is luxurious: wood. Beyond its timeless aesthetic and elegance, wood flooring offers a plethora of therapeutic benefits that cater not only to the physical well-being but also to the mental and emotional health of the inhabitants. This blog delves into some of the health benefits provided by wood floors, reinforcing why they are an excellent choice in today’s luxury living.

## Connection to Nature

Wood, a natural material, inherently brings the essence of the outdoors into our homes, creating a sense of tranquility and peace. According to biophilic design principles, incorporating natural elements like wood into our living spaces can significantly reduce stress, enhance cognitive function, and promote an overall sense of well-being (Kellert, Heerwagen, & Mador, 2008). The natural grain patterns, the warmth underfoot, and the soft sound of footsteps on wood floors can make homes feel more inviting and comforting.
A light coloured Engineered Wood Flooring!
Photo credit – © Fiemme Tremila
An Engineered Wood Flooring at a modern dining space!
Photo credit – © Fiemme Tremila

## Improved Indoor Air Quality

Wood floors contribute significantly to healthier indoor air quality. Unlike carpets that can trap dust, allergens, and other pollutants, wood floors do not harbor these harmful particles. As compared to other synthetic plastic based flooring materials, high quality wood floors create a better impact on indoor air. In fact our Fiemme collection of wood floors from the Italian Alps has a 3rd party certification that proves it injects highly beneficial substances into the indoor air. This attribute is particularly beneficial for those suffering from allergies or respiratory conditions. Studies have shown that wood surfaces can improve indoor air quality by moderating humidity levels, thereby inhibiting the growth of mold and mildew (Nyrud & Bringslimark, 2010).
A dark stained brushed Engineered Wood Flooring!

Photo credit – © Fiemme Tremila

## Temperature Regulation

Wood floors with proper coatings play a crucial role in maintaining a comfortable and constant indoor temperature. Wood’s natural insulating properties can keep your home cooler in the scorching summers of India and the UAE and warmer during the chilly winters of North India, Nepal and Bhutan. This not only contributes to a more comfortable living environment but can also reduce energy consumption and costs associated with heating and cooling (Lstiburek & Carmody, 1994).
An Engineered Wood Floor installed in India!
Photo credit – © Suryan/Dang

## Acoustic Comfort

The acoustics of a home can significantly affect the well-being of its inhabitants. Wood flooring is known for its ability to absorb sound, reducing noise levels and creating a quieter, more serene living environment. This reduction in noise pollution can be particularly beneficial in urban areas of India and the UAE, where external noise can be a constant stressor (Jensen, Arens, & Zagreus, 2005).

## Psychological and Emotional Well-being

The presence of wood in interior spaces has been linked to increased emotional stability, reduced stress levels, and improved mood. The texture, color, and natural patterns of wood can have a calming effect, making wood floors an excellent choice for creating a soothing and restorative home environment. Research suggests that environments with natural wood elements can lead to lower blood pressure, reduced anxiety, and improved mental clarity (Tsutsumi, et al., 2007).
An elegant floor and stairs with Engineered Wood Flooring!
Photo credit – © Fiemme Tremila
In conclusion, wood flooring offers more than just a touch of elegance and luxury; it provides a myriad of therapeutic benefits that enhance the quality of life. Its ability to connect us to nature, improve air quality, regulate temperature, reduce noise, and support psychological well-being makes wood flooring an ideal choice for luxury homeowners in India, Nepal, Bhutan, and the UAE. By choosing wood floors, homeowners are not just making a statement of style but are also investing in the health and well-being of their families.

### References

  • Kellert, S.R., Heerwagen, J., & Mador, M. (2008). Biophilic design: the theory, science and practice of bringing buildings to life. Wiley.
  • Nyrud, A.Q., & Bringslimark, T. (2010). Health benefits of wood in buildings. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 25(sup9), 56-63.
  • Lstiburek, J., & Carmody, J. (1994). Moisture Control Handbook: New, low-rise residential construction. Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  • Jensen, K.L., Arens, E., & Zagreus, L. (2005). Acoustical quality in office workstations, as assessed by occupant surveys. Proceedings of Indoor Air 2005, 4, 2402-2406.
  • Tsutsumi, H., Tanabe, S., Harigaya, J., Iguchi, Y., & Nakamura, G. (2007). Effect of interior materials on psychological and physiological responses in humans. Journal of Wood Science, 53(1), 11-16.
By incorporating wood flooring into luxury homes, we’re not just choosing a material; we’re embracing a lifestyle that prioritizes health, well-being, and a deep connection to the natural world. Should you have any further questions, reach out to us today at +91 99715 09922/+91 92120 50292 (India/Nepal/Bhutan) and +971 050 894 0603 (UAE) and speak to one of our highly trained consultants who would be happy to help you with your queries.